Top scoring HR student awarded Allen Associates' prize

HR advisor Izzy Liddiard has scooped the Allen Associates’ award for best overall performance in the Oxford Brookes University Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management.
Izzy, who provides HR support and services to the warehousing staff at book distribution company, Bookpoint, based at Milton Park, is pictured receiving her cash prize and champagne from Kate Allen, managing director of Oxfordshire recruitment consultancy, Allen Associates, accompanied by HR recruitment consultant Marisa Martinez Payne and director Rob Allen.
Kate Allen, managing director at Allen Associates, which specialises in recruitment for roles at all levels in Administration and PA, HR, Marketing and Finance as well as Executive positions, said: “It was a pleasure to award the second of our two annual HR prizes to Izzy who has worked very hard to achieve top marks overall in her post-graduate course, which is no mean feat! We’d like to take this opportunity to congratulate Izzy and wish her every success as she continues to develop her HR career.”
Jonathan Louw, HR subject co-ordinator at Oxford Brookes University, said: “Izzy produced some excellent work while studying with us including some very interesting research on graduate turnover for her Management Research Report. We are delighted that her achievements have been recognised through the Allen Associates Prize.”
Izzy achieved top marks on the course despite working full-time as an HR administrator at Headington-based market researchers Nielsen during the two years she was studying. She explained: “It was hard work studying and working full time, but the lecturers were very engaging and the topics were really interesting. I learnt a lot by talking with other students and I could relate the topics back to work and discuss them with my colleagues, who were so supportive of my studies. My family and husband too were very patient and sympathetic throughout. I’m now thoroughly enjoying having my weekends back to spend time with friends and family and progress with my house renovations!”
Commenting on her award, Izzy said: “I’m thrilled and shocked to have received this award from Allen Associates and I would highly recommend anyone wanting to progress their HR career to undertake the CIPD qualification at Brookes. It’s well worth the effort!”