5 habits Millennial workers should start right now to springboard their careers
A Millennial is a person born between 1980-2014, predominately of working age, between 20-35 years old. They're also known as generation Y.
They have a solid grasp and understanding of the ever-changing culture and economy, quickly adjust to new technology and tend to have a more active interest in the latest technological trends than previous generations. Millennials are socially networked, ethnically diverse, creative and optimistic about their future careers. But, in the work place, this group of workers are also branded as, lazy, self-involved and wasteful. Some employers remain pessimistic about employing the some 13.8m that currently live in the UK.
To help out, we've put together our top-five list of things that Millennials workers should start doing right now and continue to practice in the workplace to finally beat the stigma attached to them.
1) Break up with your phone
Millennials are known for being glued to their mobile devices. A break from your beloved device when in the office isn't only polite, but it's practical too. Not only does it improve social and working relationships, it has also been found to make us feel happier. It's a great idea to implement a routine with your phone, one that doesn't distract or interfere with your work.
2) Keep up to date with real news
Don't just look at social media feeds or BuzzFeed articles to keep up to date with current affairs, read real, hard-hitting news. Purchase an online subscription to your favourite newspaper, or buy a hard copy. Social feeds are full of fake news - it's important that you're kept up to date with the most recent current affairs, not just videos of cute animals and celebrity headlines. Important and interesting news will be discussed in the workplace, a perfect opportunity for a valuable discussion you could be a part of or even lead. This, by default, can shine the light on you as someone with their finger on the pulse of what is happening in the industry in which you work which, in turn, can boost your chances of winning promotion!
3) Get organised
Download an online calendar, an organiser, or buy a diary to organise your working day and work-related projects. Manage your time accordingly and ensure you're aware of your working priorities for that day. Take into account any deadlines and make a solid plan of what work has to be completed by what time. The more engaged you get with your role, the more responsibility you will receive - so organisation is key.
4) Don't stress
Making up half the global workforce by 2050, Millennials are known for their softly, softly, catchee monkey approach. But they are also more than capable of feeling stressed in the workplace. Stress management will become invaluable as you learn new skills and progress into your chosen career. A relaxed, hardworking, organised Millennial in the work place is a happy Millennial.
5) Continue the ethos of a good work life balance
Millennials have an overriding ethos that underpins their attitude to the work place - a healthy work/life balance. This could be, and has resulted in, the perception of Millennials as 'being lazy.' Not feeling overworked and burnt out at the end of any working day has led to Millennials feeling happier in their place of work and they balance this ethos with the needs of the business. Just ensure you're completing all work to a high-quality standard, and are meeting deadlines.
If you are planning your next career move in the next few months, get in touch with the team today. We take the time to really understand what you want from your next move and match you to the roles that are right for you. We’re here to help.