How to decide between two different job offers

The good news is you submitted two compelling and targeted job applications, aced both interviews, and now you’ve got not one but two job offers on the table. But next you’re confronted with the daunting task of choosing between them.
It might sound like the dream situation; but once you’re faced with making the decision, the realisation of how stressful it can be hits home. Although no one can decide for you, there are some pointers that might help you weigh up your options.
What do the salary and benefits packages look like?
The salary certainly shouldn’t be the sole reason you accept or reject a job offer, but it is an essential factor to consider. If the wage packet wouldn’t actually cover your cost of living, then it would not be a sensible idea to accept the job. Money isn’t everything, but if working towards increased financial stability is important to you, then your decision should take that into account.
Don’t forget to compare the benefits offered by both employers too. Perks such as private healthcare insurance, season ticket loans and flexible working schemes can make all the difference to job satisfaction. Always keep in mind your own personal situation; a seemingly insignificant benefit could sway your decision.
Which corporate culture is the best fit?
We spend the majority of our days at work, so it’s important that we feel like we belong there. Find out as much as you can about the culture of the organisation to inform your decision. For example, if you prefer to work quietly without any distractions or disturbances, then a buzzy, open-plan office probably isn’t for you.
Think back to your interviews and try to compare the kind of vibe you got from the people you met and the impression you got from just being in the building. Ask yourself whether you can envisage yourself working at one place more than the other. By choosing the best fit for you, you’ll be giving yourself a higher chance of both day-to-day and long-term job satisfaction.
Is there room for growth?
No one wants to be stuck in a dead-end job with no prospects, so make sure you take into account your long-term career aspirations. This won’t necessarily look the same for everyone. For example, for some people it might be more important to have the opportunity to move sideways or to widen their skillset; it doesn’t necessarily mean that there needs to be a clear path for promotion.
The gut test
Don’t ignore the feeling in your gut. Of course, you should rationalise your decision by asking yourself the key questions, but if something really doesn’t feel right then it probably means it isn’t.
If you’re wary about trusting your gut instinct but you’ve got a bad feeling about one of the job opportunities, find out some more information. It won’t hurt to do some extra research and you’ll thank yourself for it when you can feel confident in the decision you’ve made.
Just remember: you need to do what’s right for you.
Allen Associates has been helping great candidates to find great roles. If you’re looking to make your next career move, let us help you find the job that’s right for you.