Five useful websites for transparent wages

Whether you’re actively seeking a new job or you’re just browsing the market for exciting opportunities, it’s likely that the salary on offer will play a significant role in influencing your decision.
When there’s nothing to see, it can be hard to progress on faith alone, even if the word ‘competitive’ has been used. In the face of a fierce talent war, many employers are quick to side-step the ‘salary’ section of a job ad, filling the space with powerful copy about their goals and values.
However, candidates seeking to know more about the wages paid by their potential employers should not be downhearted: in fact, the world wide web offers some particularly useful alternatives:
1. Glassdoor Salary Search
Looking for the inside scoop on a company? Glassdoor offers candidates the juicy gossip that their website won’t reveal. By independently sharing their salaries in the public domain, employees help to build an image of a company as an employer. In shedding some light on the inner workings of the business, current or former employees help job seekers to determine where their future lies.
However, as well as job seekers, Glassdoor’s Salary Search function allows employees to compare their wages with the industry average to determine whether or not they are being paid fairly.
2. The Gov.UK Gender Pay Gap Service
As part of the new regulations, all UK companies with more than 250 employees are required to publish their median gender pay gap figures. Now, for the first time, candidates can see which companies have a gender wage gap and how wide the difference is.
While this should, in the long-term, encourage employers to revise their pay structure and ensure equal wages for equal positions, it currently serves to give candidates the information they need on rates of pay before making an application.
3. PayScale
If you’ve been offered a job but aren’t sure whether the salary on offer reflects the salary you deserve, PayScale is a great place to start. After answering a short series of questions regarding your education and work experience, the survey concludes by providing a free report of your market worth. As well as a snapshot of the salary you can expect to receive, PayScale offers a list of ‘related skills’ based on your role that could positively affect your pay and potential courses for you to take in order to boost your salary.
4. The Equality Trust
The Equality Trust are the brains behind #FairFTSE, a Twitter campaign which asks companies in the FTSE100 to publish their pay ratios. On the back of their success, they have now launched #FairCouncil to further promote pay ratio disclosure amongst employers. If your current or potential employer happens to fall within one of these categories, simply click ‘view all’ to find them. From here, you can directly Tweet the company and request that they publish their pay ratios on the Equality Trust site. Don’t worry, an automated message is written already so there’s no need to take time crafting your Tweet!
5. FairyGodBoss
Every year, FairyGodBoss compiles a list of the top 25 companies for women based on the personal reviews shared on the site by members of the public. Alongside this, their website serves to guide aspirational women towards the right employer by showcasing their strengths and weaknesses, as told by current or former employees.
Their extensive salary database provides invaluable insight into the wages paid by companies ranging from small start-ups to multi-national conglomerates.
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