Five signs it’s the right role for you

If you’ve been searching for a new job, you’ll already have a good idea of what you are looking for from your next role.
Prospecting is never easy, but once you find a role that seems like the perfect fit, your next steps will be important ones. Your decision will determine the next phase of your career. It’s time to take off the rose-tinted glasses and decide whether this truly is the right role for you. Need a hand? We think we just might be able to help you with this one…
1. A new challenge
A couple of months ago, The Korn Ferry Institute polled almost 5,000 working professionals who were in the process of changing their jobs. The research showed that while salary is an important factor - 11% of respondents cited this primary driver for the switch - 33% said their key motivation was a new challenge.
Boredom can be crushing, and even a little bit depressing. Feeling under-utilised, unchallenged and unsatisfied can be a powerful force to look for pastures new. If the role you have potentially settled on ticks the boxes that you believe will reward you with new heights to climb, it’s time to shoot for the stars!
2. The chance to grow
If you have consistently shone in your current role, looking to climb the career ladder is the next logical step. Whether you are looking to take a significant leap forward, or you simply want to increase your day to day responsibilities, it’s vital to consider what your new job can bring to you in terms of career development.
A new title, the potential of line management, and the chance to learn new skills and gain new qualifications can all be great indicators that this job is right for you.
3. An attractive salary
While salary is often not the most important aspect of job satisfaction, it is still viewed by many as a key marker of career progression. Changing jobs is never easy; there are many emotions people go through when changing paths – especially if they have been with their previous company for many years.
Worrying about finances during this transition in your life can be an unnecessary concern, so ensure that when you are choosing your next role, that you plan for any financial up, or downturns.
4. A positive culture
Waking up with a smile on a Monday morning may seem like a pipe-dream, but it’s not out of the ordinary when a company places great importance on the culture they foster throughout the organisation.
In fact, 24% of respondents surveyed in the research, said that company culture and fit were the main reasons for looking for a new job role.
Deciphering whether your new prospective workplace has a similar culture to the one you are seeking is a bit of a puzzle. However, by matching up pieces of information that you can
gather from the interview, and online reviews from sites such as Glassdoor, you can begin to build a picture of what your next workplace may really be like.
5. A healthy work-life balance
Speaking of culture, large swathes of UK businesses have begun making an attempt to redefine the work-life balance.
This recent change has developed in two strands: one looks to empower the worker through initiatives such as flexible working hours, working from home and for the lucky few – duvet days.
The other strand seeks to blur the lines between work and home life, capitalising on technological trends such as unified communications and digital commuting, which have allowed people to be “always on” and ready to work, if the company requires it.
Most people have a preference to their working style, and you probably already have an idea of which side of the scales your personal work-life balance sits on. If the company allows you to thrive in both your personal and professional lives, you’re on to a winner.