Top tips to get promoted within a year and guess what – we don’t mean in your current company!
There’s no doubt about it, gaining a promotion is extremely satisfying. Being handed this step up demonstrates that you’ve impressed in your workplace, and that your boss is backing you by giving you a new position within the team. If you’re working hard, you’re likely to be well on your way to achieving this. However, sometimes there can be stumbling blocks. If you can’t see a clear progression route within your company, it could be time for a change. Read on to discover what you can do next.
Do you need to make the switch?
It’s best to be realistic. According to Workopolis, most Employees wait between 18 months to 2 years for a promotion. If you’re coming up to this time period without any indication of a change in position, it’s worth reflecting on why this might be and what matters most to you. There are many reasons for seeking a promotion, whether it’s the chance to develop your skills, manage a team or earn more money - and in a job market with high employment rates, it could be that you can find what you’re looking for elsewhere. Research from The Telegraph shows that more than one-in-10 people moved jobs last year. With talent in short supply, increasingly, Candidates are finding that they have the bargaining power to take matters into their own hands by swapping jobs.
Be open about your goals and discuss these
A recent survey by PayScale shows that ambitious Employees often quit in order to keep climbing the corporate ladder – 12 per cent of managers and supervisors said they left their job for a new one because they would have more responsibilities. While you can’t get promoted to a position that doesn’t exist, try to be open and honest with your boss - detailing your future aims and goals – before deciding to move on. Remember, promotions are not automatic, so arrange a meeting with your line manager and come prepared with evidence of how you’ve excelled in your role. Do your research, looking at the opportunities within your industry as a whole in order, which will give you a good indication of where you need to be heading in terms of pay and responsibilities.
Take charge within your new company
Congratulations, you’ve found a new role! Unfortunately, now isn’t the time to rest on your laurels. Having identified the stumbling blocks to promotion in your old job, it’s important to learn from this experience and get the best possible head start. Begin by identifying the type of role you’d like to have within a year’s time and creating a strategy to hone your skills in line with this. To gain your next promotion, make yourself indispensable to your new manager by demonstrating capability within your role, as well as appearing willing to offer extra support. Although you’ll have a lot to learn as a new Employee, you can still make an impression by listening to others, taking the initiative and demonstrating leadership.
Pick the right time to discuss a step up
Asking for a promotion can take time. Throughout your first year at your new company request regular meetings with your manager, which will allow you to assess how you’re performing, and communicate your desire to be progress. Plant the seed of an idea early, so that when you ask for a promotion it will come as no surprise, and your boss will have had time to consider your request. Incidentally, it’s important to assess what’s happening within the company beforehand. Picking the day after your company has made a financial loss, for example, isn’t the best time. Some timings are more ideal than others, for instance when you’re sitting down to discuss your annual performance review after a big success.
Bouncing back after a rejection
If you’re not successful in securing a promotion this time round, don’t give up. Instead, use it as an opportunity to take feedback onboard. Research shows that job-hopping is the new normal – according to Deloitte 43 per cent of millennials plan to leave their current jobs within two years. While this may be the case, changing workplaces comes with its own risk, so try to find a balance between waiting for an opportunity in-house and moving onto your next role elsewhere. In this kind of situation, communication is key. Keep talking to your manager, which will allow you to weigh up your options.