The top skills you need to develop for 2020 and beyond

It’s widely accepted that we’re experiencing a Fourth Industrial Revolution, caused by new and disruptive technologies which are transforming the way we live and work. From the Internet of Things to Artificial Intelligence and advanced robotics, predictions from the World Economic Forum suggest that more than 5.1 million jobs could be lost as a result by 2020. The positive news is that experts believe these technologies will create just as many new roles as they will displace – with more and more businesses embracing change there is a huge need for people to fill the digital skills gap. Therefore, as an Employee, you need to start focusing on the best way to re-skill and digitally up skill, in order to future proof your career:
Practical knowledge to fill the digital skills gap
In a recent survey of 9,000 Employees across nine countries, 56 per cent of respondents felt they lacked adequate digital skills needed for future jobs. Therefore, it may pay to look at your industry, including current technological trends, in order to assess the skills you can develop to make you stand out to Employers. In marketing for example, consider social media, content marketing, SEO and pay-per-click (PPC). Whether you’re interested in programming, web and app development or data science and analytics, developing a digital specialism in your field is a great way to ensure that you’ll become a valuable source of expertise.
The ability to strategise
Of course, technology is rapidly developing, but businesses also need people who can understand how these technologies work and how best to use them. Take AI as an example: by gaining a firm grasp of its current strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities for it to be used within your workplace, you can closely influence ways in which humans and computers work together. In some organisations, managers are even asking their Employees to help train AI to become more human, which is bringing surprising advantages. Using automation to carry out basic, repetitive tasks can free up your time, allowing you to take a more strategic approach when it comes to key areas like customer service, company finances and business growth.
Be creative with the tools at your disposal
In many industries, the increasing availability of new digital tools is a dream come true. Just think of the possibilities these offer in the creative industry for web designers, graphic designers, video makers and even musicians. Whichever industry you look at, it’s easy to see the effect technology has had, allowing scientists, engineers and manufacturers to push the boundaries of their craft. Therefore, creativity and an ability to apply the tools available to develop something new, will continue to be a key skill for the future.
Agility and adaptability
In a recent article in Raconteur, Thomas Frey, Executive Director of the DaVinci Institute, said that: “The average person entering the workforce in 2030 will have to plan to reboot their skills eight to 10 times throughout their working life.” Now more than ever, Employees need to get used to change in order to realise the opportunities this creates for them and have the ability to drive their own career forwards. The most successful people will be those who are able to spot an opportunity they can capitalise on, are willing to learn new skills, and are able to change their focus in order to keep ahead of the game. This allows them to continue marketing themselves as a top Candidate for companies.
Competencies in areas machines can’t touch
There are certain soft skills that will always be needed in the workplace. Humans have an extraordinary capacity for problem solving, as well as social and emotional intelligence – these are all qualities that even the cleverest machine lacks. According to the World Economic Forum, the top skills you need for the future are complex problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, people management and coordinating with others. To emerge as a leader in business, it will become increasingly important to demonstrate experience in these areas, to show that you can communicate, lead a team and support others. These skills are needed in every industry and will be useful if you’re attempting to transfer from one workplace to another, or to a different area of specialism entirely.