How to find a job that really suits you

It’s one of the biggest, and also the most important questions we get asked as recruiters: ‘How do I find a job that really suits me?’ Matching the right individual with the right role is a skill that relies on experience and getting this spot on can be extremely satisfying to see. However, there is no magic answer. Our best advice to Candidates is to know what you’re looking for. It sounds simple enough, but if you’re able to target your job search, you’ll receive better results. Here’s what you need to consider:
Know what motivates you
A survey conducted by CV Library indicates that more than half of UK workers are unhappy in their jobs. Reasons for this included poor salaries, an unfulfilling daily routine and no career progression. To avoid this type of situation, work out what’s important to you before you start filling in application forms. Take a moment to list your ‘top’ essentials and apply these credentials against companies advertising for a new Employee. What is it that makes you get out of bed on a wet, rainy, Monday morning? Is it your salary or is it something more than this, such as the chance to be part of a friendly, creative team or a healthy work life balance? Write these things down and use them to inform your decisions throughout your job hunt.
Identify your preferred working environment
As well as considering company benefits, flexible working and career opportunities, it’s important to recognise that different people thrive in different environments. Do you prefer performing to targets or are you looking for a creative hub where ideas can be developed without the pressure of time deadlines? Are you happy working independently, sometimes remotely, or do you need to be in a supportive office environment which allows you to speak to your manager regularly? With one in four workers reporting stressful working conditions which impact on their health and wellbeing, identifying your preferences is a key step on your journey to finding your perfect job. Remember, it’s not just the company that needs to be right, it should be the right role too. Taking this into account will help you to rule out some positions straight away.
Research to find the right cultural fit
Now that you know what you’re looking for, you need to do your research. A company’s website is an obvious place to start, so examine their careers pages, consider the tone of voice they use and view the management team’s biographies. Instead of searching for a specific job title, try adjusting your approach. Don’t look for a ‘marketing officer’ or an ‘HR assistant’. Try to find a ‘workplace where your achievements will be rewarded’ or ‘somewhere you’ll have creative license’. An organisation’s social media pages can be a good way of telling what the office is really like. Do they post about team outings, do they attend regular networking events, or do they share their own blog content? All of this is a positive indicator that you’ll be joining a busy, enthusiastic office.
Don’t be afraid to dig deeper
Spending time on your research will really pay off. So, after you’ve scanned the company website, try tapping into your network to find someone who has direct or indirect experience of the place you’ve seen the position available. A favourable opinion, as well as inside knowledge, is often the best motivation when filling out an application form. Of course, a recruitment company can help with this – we have a detailed understanding of the businesses we work for. You can also use your contacts to make a list of places with a good reputation worth sending a speculative CV. If you don’t have the right connection, and you have specific questions you’d like answered before applying, it’s best to contact the hiring team or recruiter directly. Above all, treat the whole process as a fact-finding mission. Having established what you’re looking for in a new role, make sure you get the answers you need. To be able to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to an offer with confidence, you should be certain that you have the full picture.