Six ways to win the talent war

It’s no understatement to say the recruitment landscape is incredibly competitive. If you’ve spent time polishing your job description and advertising the role, it can be disheartening to receive a low response rate. However, you wouldn’t be alone in this. In a survey from the British Chambers of Commerce, 64 per cent of businesses said they found it difficult to secure the right Employees. In today’s job market, it’s not uncommon for applicants to receive multiple offers. So, if you want to secure the best talent available, you’ll need to take a new approach to hiring – making Candidate experience your first priority.
Create an inspiring work culture
The best applicants aren’t just looking at your salary. They’re also looking for an Employer able to offer real career progression and a range of benefits. According to Gallup, without this, you’ll miss out on the top 20 per cent of Candidates. While you might not make the list of the top 10 best places to work in the UK, it’s important to look at your competitors and consider what you can offer. If you already have this, why not advertise it? Use your website and social media to strengthen your brand, making sure that Candidates have this information available when they’re deciding whether to apply.
Only hire the best Candidates
Research shows that high performers are often eight times more productive at work. To build your dream team, full of driven, motivated professionals, take some time out before hiring to determine what you’re looking for. There may be occasions when you feel under pressure to replace a key Employee as soon as possible. However, don’t be tempted to compromise. In our experience, talent attracts talent. People will be incentivised to work for you if they can find a role-model they relate to. Start your recruitment process well ahead of deadlines, so that you give yourself the best opportunity to find the calibre needed.
Recruit for skillset AND culture
If you hire for skillset, you’re choosing someone who can do the job. But you also need to consider cultural fit to avoid a disruptive Employee. Choosing someone who agrees with your vision for the future, and has the ability to get on with colleagues, can be just as important. Often, it’s about getting a balance. If you meet a Candidate who will be a good team player but lacks experience, look for potential talent instead. Consider taking a different approach as an employer. If you can’t find someone with the right skillset, why not hire an employee who can be developed and nurtured on the job?
Get your hiring right first-time round
Creating an excellent Candidate experience should always be at the top of your list. Applicants who are satisfied with this are 38 per cent more likely to accept a job offer. Even if they aren’t successful, 80 per cent of people will apply again if they receive a positive impression. Of course, if the opposite happens it’s likely to have a negative effect on your brand perception, as well as future applications. Therefore, it’s worth thinking about the way in which Candidates progress through the recruitment process – how they’re asked for their details, the information they receive and the type of welcome you give them.
Hire smart using new technologies
Thankfully, it’s possible to use new technologies to improve your hiring process – resulting in a better Candidate experience. From AI to applicant tracking systems, there are many different options available. For example, 60 per cent of hiring managers are now using video. Not only is this beneficial to recruiters, allowing them to screen high volumes of applicants before meeting the best of these, but it allows people to fit an interview into their daily schedule. According to the latest HR Tech Global Report, companies should be prepared to change their strategies to stay ahead of changing trends.
Work with a recruitment agency
Recruitment agencies aren’t just here to help you find Employees, they’re available to offer advice on a whole range of topics. The best of these will already be well-versed on the options you can explore in order to truly optimise your Candidate experience. In fact, seeking feedback from an external professional can often be a helpful option. When speed is of the essence, remember that many agencies have a ready-made talent pipeline available. They’ll be able to guide you through so that you achieve all of the points above.