How to fall in love with your career again
After a couple of years within the same role, it’s easy to settle into a routine at work. The honeymoon phase is well and truly over, and the initial excitement has diminished. Before looking for a new opportunity to capture your interest, take a moment to assess why you feel this way. Having a passion for the job you do is incredibly important. Without this, it’s hard to put in the effort you need to succeed or to convince others to hire you. Before you decide on your next career move, you need to know what will truly motivate you.
Trace back to the root of the problem
When you feel unsatisfied with your career, it can be difficult to determine whether you’ve genuinely lost interest in your current role or are becoming overwhelmed by external factors. Do you feel like you’re no longer being challenged at work? Are you caught in a repetitive cycle of the same tasks every day? Think about how you can change this situation. Don’t be afraid to ask your current employer if there’s an opportunity for you to work on new projects or with different clients. It’s worth noting whether a majority of the difficulties you’ve experienced are specific to your job or your industry – and if it’s the former, it’s definitely worth pursuing other paths within your sector.
Be open to negotiation
Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to find a solution. Perhaps your compensation package isn’t meeting your expectations – in terms of both your salary and employee benefits. While you may be looking elsewhere for a higher wage, remember that this will never guarantee that you’ll be happier in another company. With alternative perks such as flexible working, you may gain more time to spend with your family or a more suitable work environment for you to focus in. Initiating this discussion with your Employer is never easy, but don’t forget that the odds are in your favour – Employers always want to retain their staff to minimise costs and time spent recruiting.
Re-discover your sense of purpose
Without a sense of purpose in the workplace, it’s common to feel lost and unmotivated. Shifting your mindset to consider the impact your work is having on another person or business can help you to focus on why you’re doing the job you are. It’s all too easy to see the completion of a task as your final outcome – but don’t gloss over the positive knock-on effect you’re having on others. Another way to re-ignite your sense of purpose is to mentor a more junior member of the team. By answering their questions, it’s possible you’ll remind yourself why you opted for a career in your sector in the first place.