Oxfordshire recruitment trends: The results of our HR Hub poll in January 2023
Employers and HR professionals from across Oxfordshire shared their recruitment plans for 2023 at Allen Associates’ first HR Hub of the new year. Below are their responses to a short HR poll which provides a real-time indicator of their hiring intentions and their view of the market.
These poll results were discussed live at the HR Hub by guest speaker, Jack Kennedy, an economist at Indeed Hiring Lab, who also gave a detailed presentation about the recruitment landscape and what the latest labour market data is telling us.
Commenting on the results, Jack said: “Oxfordshire employers and HR professionals are clearly feeling pretty positive in spite of a possible recession. There is not much evidence of hesitancy and it’s clear that many organisations are still planning to grow and recruit more people.
“The labour market remains tight though, so it is perhaps surprising that more organisations aren’t actively planning to take on more temps. Nationally, temporary workers are still in high demand and will continue to be sought-after, particularly in sectors with the worst permanent candidate shortages. Overall, the poll findings are upbeat and positive which is encouraging.”
Poll Q&A
What are your recruitment plans for 2023?
- 41% - We’re planning to recruit more people this year
- 16% - We’re planning to recruit fewer people
- 29% - Our recruitment levels are likely to be about the same as last year
- 12% - We will only recruit if someone leaves
- 2% - No idea – we don’t have a plan
Do you think it’ll be easier or more difficult to find the talent you need in 2023?
- 0% - Much easier
- 6% - A bit easier
- 22% - Much more difficult
- 47% - Slightly more difficult
- 25% - About the same
- 0% - Not sure
Given all the uncertainty, do you think your organisation will take on more temps this year?
- 16% - Yes
- 55% - No
- 29% - Don't know
How would you describe your organisation’s outlook for 2023?
- 16% - Bullish – we’re actively going for growth
- 39% - Positive – it’s business as usual
- 35% - Cautiously optimistic – we’re being careful but still pushing forward
- 6% - Negative – we may have to restructure
- 4% - Not sure
Useful links
The following links may be useful to employers and HR professionals looking for more employment data, market insights, legal updates and people-related content:
- Indeed’s market predictions: www.hiringlab.org/uk
- Allen Associates’ knowledge centre: https://www.allen-associates.co.uk/knowledge-centre