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1 in 5 Oxfordshire employers don’t have a mental health strategy: The results of our HR Hub poll in May 2024

Allen Associates, News & Blog

Around one in five Oxfordshire-based organisations that took part in our poll do not have a mental health strategy. What’s more, over half of the HR professionals surveyed admitted to being in ‘moderate’ mental health while a further 12% said they were struggling.

These poll results provide a snapshot of organisational attitudes to mental health and were gathered during Allen Associates HR Hub in May 2024. The online event attracted 130 HR decision-makers who were interested in hearing from our guest speaker, Katie de Bertrand, training manager (workplace wellbeing) at Oxfordshire Mind.

Katie shared her experiences on the proactive and preventative steps some employers are now taking to minimise poor mental health in the workplace in a sustainable and meaningful way – and offered lots of practical advice and guidance.

Read the poll results below to find out more about the mental health challenges that Oxfordshire employers are facing and how many are developing strategies to overcome them.

Our HR poll results

1. We all have mental health. How would you describe your own mental health currently?
  • 36% I am in positive mental health, I am thriving
  • 52% I am in moderate mental health, I am doing OK
  • 12% I am in poor mental health, I am struggling
2. I feel that the organisation I work for supports my wellbeing:
  • 6% Not at all
  • 34% Somewhat
  • 34% Quite a lot
  • 27% Very much
3. Which of the below is the biggest mental health challenge your organisation is facing?
  • 36% Mental health related absence: people are going off sick
  • 13% Mental health related turnover: people are leaving our organisation because of work-related poor mental health
  • 51% Mental health related presenteeism: people are turning up for work but due to symptoms of poor mental health they are not performing at their best
4. Does your organisation have a mental health strategy?
  • 21% No, we don't have one
  • 22% We're considering developing one
  • 26% It's in development
  • 31% Yes, we have one

Join our HR Hub

Every month, we run an HR Hub on an important issue which matters to the HR community. From tackling the cost-of-living crisis to developing a global Employee Value Proposition, we cover a lot of ground during each hour-long session. Presentations are led by guest speakers, who are experts in their fields, and followed by a live Q&A.

To find out more and sign up for these free events, or to access Katie de Bertrand’s detailed guide and a recording of her presentation,  please visit our HR Hub information page or contact Kate Allen.