Temp placement pack
Allen Associates strives to ensure that the quality of our temporary staff meets the same stringent standards that we apply to our candidates introduced for permanent placements. Both we, and all our clients, consider the following attributes crucial to all successful temporary placements.

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Please bear these in mind at all times whilst working for us:
- Reliability - Excellent attendance is fundamental to all temporary roles. Employers trust us to provide them with reliable temporary staff that will meet the same stringent standards which we set for our permanent candidates.
- A flexible approach and use of initiative.
- Speed and accuracy.
- Friendly personality and professional.
In return for our temps adhering to these important guidelines, Allen Associates will:
- Always work in a professional and efficient manner and respond in a timely fashion to any queries.
- Stay in touch with you throughout the term of employment. One of our consultants is always on hand to offer support, guidance and assist with resolving any concerns you may have.
- Do our utmost to offer you interesting and challenging roles with some of the most respected companies in Oxfordshire.
- Monitor your feedback (and that of our clients) closely and on a regular basis to ensure the success of each temporary placement to the benefit of all parties.
Forming and maintaining a positive working relationship with our temporary ambassadors is a crucial element of our role, and a level of trust is intrinsic to this.
Also, the more successful you are in your temporary assignment, the more likely you are to be considered for other roles within the same company.
Keeping in touch
It is really important that you are able to keep in contact with us and we will make contact with you throughout your assignment. We like to check in and hear how you are getting on.
Similarly, we also stay in touch with the client on a regular basis, and will ask for their feedback, too. We will ensure all pertinent information is passed on to you. This helps you to know if you are meeting the expectations of the employers.
Who’s who at Allen Associates
Our success depends on our ability to recruit and retain the highest calibre of staff. We’re proud to say that we have assembled a team who are second to none. Take a look at our website to discover who does what, the faces behind the names and to find out more about the people who will be helping you.
Day One – Setting the right example
The following points are crucial to note before starting in your booking:
- Check directions to the company in advance so you can arrive punctually.
- Check bus and train timetables if relevant.
- Always arrive ten minutes early on your first day – if you are running late it is critical you let us know on the phone.
- Dress accordingly – please check the company dress code in advance.
Your Pay: Getting it right first time
- Our online timesheet system will enable you to securely enter your weekly hours. We provide you with log in details and a simple user guide when you start in your booking.
- You’ll receive email reminders to prompt eTimesheet completion and your line manager will get reminders to authorise them.
- We can only accept eTimesheets that are authorised by an approved person. If your main authoriser is going to be away and unable to authorise your eTimesheet, please ask them before they go who should authorise in their absence and whether or not they are set up on our If they are not set up on the portal please contact us so we can ensure they receive the notifications.
- As soon as you begin working with us, we will require your most recent P45 to ensure you are taxed Without a P45 you must complete a New Starter form to ascertain your tax code. If this is not completed before your first timesheet is submitted, you will be placed on emergency tax.
- We have a legal obligation to deduct National Insurance (NI) from your earnings. If you do not have a NI number, please contact Jobcentre Plus on 0845 600 0643 to arrange to obtain one. If necessary, we can supply a letter addressed to them confirming that you have found work or confirming that you are registered with us to find temporary work.
If at any point during your booking you believe your tax code is incorrect, you will need to call HMRC and quote the following numbers:
PAYE: 075/A895
Accounts office: 075PQ00115173
You will also need your NI number to hand.
Sickness and unexpected absences
As mentioned above, reliability and consistency are crucial in a temporary role. However, if you do feel unable to attend your booking due to sickness, please make sure you call us, and ensure you speak to a member of staff here.
You are entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) in accordance with the provisions of Social Security and Housing Benefit Act 1982 if you are absent from work due to sickness or injury, but you must be off sick for three qualifying days before SSP is paid, with the qualifying days for the purposes of SSP being Monday to Friday.
Holidays: What you need to do
You are entitled to statutory annual leave once you start temping through Allen Associates. Please note, you can only take paid leave in proportion to the amount of time you have actually worked.
You are entitled to 28 days’ paid holiday pro-rata each year (including 8 days for the bank holidays). You accrue this holiday as you work and will be paid to you on request when you take time off from work. It must be taken within your holiday year, which runs for 12 months from the start date of your contract. We cannot pay you holiday pay unless you take your holiday or finish working with us.
On completion of a 12-week qualifying period (see Agency Workers Regulations), you will be eligible for the same allocation of holiday pay as your permanent counterparts.
Paid leave may be taken after giving notice to us, via the Holiday Pay Claim form, and with the agreement of your line manager. We suggest that you give notice that is twice as long as your holiday period (e.g. if you want 5 days off you need to give 10 days’ notice).
Christmas and Bank holidays
Whilst you can claim holiday pay for Bank holidays (it is included in your statutory allowance), you can choose to take the days unpaid and use the allowance elsewhere in the year. If you do wish to be paid and you have accrued enough holiday pay, please request holiday pay in the usual way.
At Christmas we often have to run our payroll in advance rather than in arrears, due to the way the holiday falls. If we ever email you regarding your pay, please ensure you read this closely, as it will affect how you submit your timesheets. If you ignore these communications, it may result in you being paid late!
Your working hours
The Regulations allow for a maximum average working week of not more than 48 hours (averaged over a period of 17 weeks or the actual number of weeks worked) unless the worker agrees in writing to work over that limit (the 48 hour opt out agreement has also been sent to you).
Some temporary assignments may offer you the opportunity to work in excess of this limit and, should you wish to take that option, you are required to sign and return the 48 Hour Opt Out Agreement. You are, of course, not at all obliged to work in excess of 48 hours per week.
The Regulations also allow for minimum rest periods and breaks to be taken during and between working days. For example, where a worker works longer than 6 hours, there should be an uninterrupted rest break of 20 minutes preferably away from their workstation. This will normally be achieved by taking a lunch break.
However, should you have any concerns regarding rest breaks or other entitlements whilst working for the client please contact your Consultant.
Your pension
As you may be aware, the law governing workplace pensions has changed because the Government wants to help enable more people to save for their retirement. As part of the Pensions Act 2008, all eligible employees must be automatically enrolled into a company pension.
Both workers and employers are required to make contributions, and the government will also demonstrate their support in the form of tax relief.
As a business, we have secured a three-month waiting period, after which all eligible workers will be automatically enrolled onto the company pension scheme. If you do not wish to be enrolled onto the pension scheme, you will need to contact our provider and ‘opt out’ following your 12-week qualifying period.
Agency Workers Regulations (AWR)
Agency workers are entitled to employment rights from 1 October 2011 when new regulations came into force.
From day one, you will have access:
- Existing vacancies within the hiring company: The employer must ensure all temporary workers have access to information showing the current vacancies at their organisation. There is no need to inform you personally, just to ensure you have the same access to the information as permanent staff.
- Collective on-site facilities: The employer must ensure that temporary workers have access to the same collective facilities as permanent staff. These cover childcare facilities, canteens, car parking and the provision of transport services. Please do note that for facilities that are subject to criteria, such as a waiting list for childcare, temporary workers can be refused this access as permanent staff are and be subject to the same selection criteria. Other benefits, such as subsidised membership of an off-site gym, are outside of the scope of the Regulations and so do not need to be made accessible to temporary workers.
- After 12 weeks in the same role, you are entitled to the same treatment as a permanent employee. This relates to basic working conditions, pay and holiday. On approaching your 12-week qualifying period, your Consultant will be in contact to discuss your pay, holiday and rights.
Occasionally during your booking you will be asked to pay for expenses – these will then be reimbursed via your weekly pay and may include items like petrol, train fares, parking tickets and meals. To claim these, you will need to enter the expenses via our online timesheet system, provide proof and costs, and have your Manager authorise them.
Please note, you can only claim expenses when advised to by your Manager - everyday items like lunch and petrol to get to your booking will not be admissible.
Our Policies
Health & Safety
- Please be aware that it is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the Health and Safety policy of the organisation where you are working although when arriving at new premises, you should have explained to you the layout and facilities as well as fire exits and arrangements.
- Whilst at work, you have a duty to take reasonable care of your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by your acts or omissions
- You must also co-operate with the hirer and not intentionally or recklessly misuse any equipment provided for your health and safety.
- If you have an accident whilst at work, or if you have any health and safety concerns at all, please contact your Consultant as soon as possible.
- Make sure that you know all the procedures in case of an emergency and the location of all fire exits, evacuation routes and first aid boxes. (These should all be clearly marked).
- We advise all temporary workers to assess their work areas during each assignment and, where necessary, to take steps to protect themselves from any possible computer screen-related problems. If you wear spectacles, it is possible to have an anti-glare filter put onto your lenses, which will help to minimise the problems wherever you work.
- If you can, take regular breaks from lengthy keyboard work. Recommendations suggest a five minute break every hour but this will not always be possible. Try to vary your work by doing other jobs such as filing and making telephone calls, or making a cup of coffee.
- If at any time, you feel that you are in an assignment where the work requirement is unreasonable, you should contact your Consultant as soon as possible.
Allen Associates is committed to providing a high-level service to our customers. If you do not receive satisfaction from us, we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve our standards.
If you have a complaint, in the first instance please contact the Associate Director: Eleanor Bromage – eleanor@allen-associates.co.uk
You can write to Eleanor at: Allen Associates (Oxford) Ltd, Sandford Gate, East Point Business Park, Oxford, OX4 6LB.
We will record your complaint within a day of receiving it. We will then start to investigate your complaint and ask the member of staff who dealt with you to reply to your complaint within 3 working days of our request.
If you are still not satisfied, you can contact the Recruitment and Employment Confederation (REC), the industry trade association of which we are a member, at: Professional Standards Department, REC, 15 Welbeck Street, London W1G 9XT or e-mail standards@rec.uk.com
Equal Opportunities
Allen Associates is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to opposing all forms of discrimination. The company will not tolerate discrimination based upon disability, marital or parental status, race (which means colour, race, nationality, ethnic or national origins), sex, sexual orientation, religious belief, irrelevant criminal record, political beliefs, membership of trades unions or age (this is not an exhaustive list). For more information please see the Allen Associates website.
Data Protection and Confidentiality
It will be crucial to understand your responsibilities in regards to data protection before starting in your temporary role.
Everyone responsible for using data has to follow strict rules called ‘data protection principles’. They must make sure the information is:
- Used fairly and lawfully.
- Used for limited, specifically stated purposes.
- Used in a way that is adequate, relevant and not excessive.
- Accurate.
- Kept for no longer than is absolutely necessary.
- Handled according to people’s data protection rights.
- Kept safe and secure.
- Not transferred outside the European Economic Area without adequate protection.
When you sign our Temporary Workers’ Agreement, you are committing to protecting the confidentiality and trade secrets of the client and agency, and promising to keep confidential all information you come into contact with. Therefore, you are prohibited from making any copies or summaries of documents or data you come into contact with.
End of Assignment
- If the proposed end date of your assignment changes at any point during your booking, please make us aware immediately, so we can plan accordingly.
- You will automatically be paid any outstanding holiday that you have accrued and not taken in your final pay.
- At the end of your assignment, you will receive a digital P45 on the online portal, along with all of your payslip – these can be downloaded.
- We will update your details on our system. If you would like another assignment, update your CV to show your most recent contract and email it to temporary@allen-associates.co.uk.
- We will be in touch with you when relevant assignments come up.